Tickets on sale for 2024

The news you’ve all been waiting for! We’re mixing things up a bit this year – whilst pint glasses are still available, we’re introducing a new glass which can be used for beer & cider but also gin. We’re also switching from the token system to a card system which allows us to introduce two-third measures.

Click on the picture to buy your tickets!

You can speed up entry to the festival by buying a ticket with 18 tokens which buys three pints or two gin & tonics. Thank you to our glass sponsor this year, Bollington Veterinary Centre.

2 thoughts on “Tickets on sale for 2024

  1. Hello

    It’s Tom here from Storm Brewing. We just delivered some beer this week for the beer festival and I’m not sure where to send the invoice. Could you give me the email address for that please?


    Tom, Storm

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